Learn how to set up and modify the config.yml file to tailor Bloons to your specific needs.
The main configuration file for Bloons is generated as config.yml in the root of the Bloons directory.
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# Bloons [version]
# Made by Jeqo Studios
# Wiki: https://jeqo.net/wiki
# Discord: https://jeqo.net/discord
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# Send a message to operators when they join if there is a Bloons update.
check-for-updates: true
# The language file to load. This will be used for all messages in the plugin.
language: en_US
# Do you want to close the menu when a player equips a balloon?
close-on-equip: true
# Do you want to close the menu when a player unequips a balloon?
close-on-unequip: true
# Do you want to hide balloons that the player does not have permission for?
hide-balloons-without-permission: true
# Title for the balloons menu.
menu-title: "&f๎๎"
# Amount of slots per page. Valid values: 27, 36, 45, and 54. 9 of these slots will be used for the menu buttons.
menu-size: 54
# Amount of slots from the top that you want the balloons to appear in. Valid values: 9, 18, 27, 36, and 45.
# This has the be at least 9 less than the menu-size!
balloon-slots: 45
# Notice: Keep buttons in the last row of your entire menu to avoid any bugs!
material: FLINT
custom-model-data: 1
name: '<gray>โ แดสแดแด ษชแดแดs แดแดษขแด'
- 48
material: FLINT
custom-model-data: 2
name: '<gray>แดษดแดวซแดษชแด สแดสสแดแดษด'
- 49
material: FLINT
custom-model-data: 3
name: '<gray>ษดแดxแด แดแดษขแด โ'
- 50
Troubleshooting and Support
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